• Breakfast


    Students that eat school breakfast will eat as soon as they get off the bus. Please let me know if your child will be eating breakfast at school. 




    Students eat lunch at 12:15pm - 1:03pm. Each day the class will eat with general education peers. Teaching Assistants and Noon Hour Staff supervise students during this time. If you choose to have your child eat hot lunch, Teaching Assistants will support them through the line. 




    The class will eat snack in the morning and have another opportunity at the end of the day. I ask families to donate healthy individually wrapped snacks to share (ex. goldfish, graham crackers, carrots, fruit snacks etc.). There is a form that will be sent out that includes information about allergies. 


    Friday Folders


    Your child will receive a Logan Folder each week. Within the folder will be a weekly newsletter reviewing what we did over that week, homework and school notes that will be sent home.  


    Daily Communication Log 


    A daily communication log will be sent home with your child each day. It will include information about how their day went and any other relevant information that needs to be shared with families. Classroom work will also be sent home daily.




    We love to celebrate everyone’s birthday in the classroom with their choice of an activity. I also encourage them to bring in either their favorite healthy snack or small token gift.