• Attendance Email: sky_attendance@aaps.k12.mi.us

    Phone Number:  734-994-7842  

    General Office assistance is available 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.


    安娜堡教育委员会认为,学生定期和准时出勤可以提高学生在安全学校的学习成绩, secure, and orderly school, in higher staff and student morale, 并为高中毕业后的生活做更好的准备.

    所有教育的一个重要部分都是通过社会互动进行的,这是人们无法从书本上学到的. 而独立工作和/或研究是至关重要的, it is equally important to hear lectures, participate in activities and discussions, be exposed to other peoples’ ideas, and work with non-print materials. For this reason, 每天出勤和参与课堂是至关重要的,这将对学生的表现产生积极的影响.

    学生及其家长/监护人应明白,过度缺课, whether excused or unexcused, might often drastically affect class grades. Successful students are seldom absent.

    Extended Absence Form (3天或以上或学校假期前后1或2天)

    表格必须在缺课前5天交回,并由所有老师和学校管理员签字. 请点击下载延长缺席表 HERE.


    Students are expected to be in class, punctual, 并准备好参与每天的学习过程. 如果学生要利用高中的教育机会,经常出勤和守时是必不可少的.

    Excused Absences

    如需请假,学生家长/监护人必须通知(e).g. 亲自或打电话(也接受留言)通知学校学生在48小时内以可接受的理由缺课.


    1. Personal illness

    2. Illness of an immediate family member

    3. Death of a family member or close friend

    4. Verified medical or dental appointment

    5. Verified legal proceedings

    6. Emergency removal for administrative reasons

    7. Suspension from school

    8. 经批准的学校主办或与学校有关的活动

    9. Emergency child care

    10. 特殊的或意外的运输困难

    11. Observance of a religious holiday

    12. 其他经学校管理部门批准的活动

    13. Pre-excused family travel/college visits 

    Additional Notes

    年级管理员必须预先批准家庭旅行/大学访问的缺勤,以允许补课特权. 家长应填写完整的“请假表”,并提前交至年级办公室.

    Once an extended absence is approved, 学生有责任与老师作出适当的安排.

    When leaving during your scheduled school hours, student must check out at the general office, 或者诊所和家长需要由释放学生的办公室联系.

    学生不得因留校备考而旷课, go to the media center, complete make-up work, or attend some other in-school activity.


     根据AAPS的规定,不遵守适当的迟到或退房程序可能会导致后果 Student Rights and Responsibilities handbook and Local School Rules.

    Excused Absence Procedure


    1. Student’s name

    2. I.D. Number

    3. Grade Level

    4. Date(s) and time(s) of absence

    5. Reason for absence(s)

    6. Your name and relationship to the student

    Unexcused Absences

    无故缺课是指学生未到学校上课,家长或监护人未按规定的出勤程序通知学校的缺课. 无故缺课的学生不得补课(包括考试).

    Make-up Work

    教师必须允许学生因请假缺课而补课. 一天的缺勤可以补两天. 学生应该主动向老师要求补课.

    Tardies (Excused and Unexcused)

    学生有责任准时到达. 无理由的迟到是指学生在上课铃响后才来上课,而且没有可以接受的理由.  有借口的迟到可以让学生补课. However, 累计迟到的后果是:一个季度迟到10次以上, 学生将被安排课后留校.  每多拖拉5次,就会再留堂一次. The tardy policy is enforced for all tardies, excused or unexcused, 除非有特殊的医疗原因,并有医生的证明,有特定的限制或时间. 每个学期开始时,学生的迟到计数将重置为零.

    无故迟到的后果将按照AAPS的规定处理 Student Rights and Responsibilities handbook and Local School Rules.

    Parent Notification

    通知的主要方式是以出勤摘要的形式寄回家, or made available with interim reports, quarterly grades, and final semester grades. 这些摘要大约每隔四周向家庭提供一次报告. Other means of notification include a computerized message system to notify families of unexcused absences; parents can monitor through Powerschool and teacher counselor, 和/或管理员电话时,出勤问题出现. 家长可致电相应年级办公室索取学生出勤记录. 保持良好出勤的主要责任属于学生和他们的家庭.